Sunday, March 13, 2011

Welcome to our site!

Your new to this site, i like to help people out with all sorts of magick. If you have questions just ask, or join where there are plenty of people to help you out. Here is some spell writing tips for those of you who need it:
First you should have a think about what you need it for, design your spell to fit your need like a glove. Do not rush your spells as they tend to be less affective when not thought so much about and rushed.

Get a piece of paper and ask yourself the following:

. What do I need?

. How should I cast this?

. What day should it be cast?

. What should I put into this?

(A few of wiccan questions):

. Would I?

. Should I?

. Can I?

. Will I?

Now you should start to plan your spell out..think about the structure of your spell..are you going to have chants? Candles? incense? When you are beginning to write it out always focus on what you are trying to achieve,a quiet place would help maintain your undevided-attention.

The chant..

What words best describe your need/will? Short descriptive words make a chant perfect for the subconscious,not too much to take in, as you realise you don't see spells paragraphs long.
25-40 words should be enough!

I personally translate mine into a different language, this may affect the spell but it makes it feel special to me. Your farmiliar language works best though!

Candles are a great help in a spell,they come in a range of colours but you can always use white..I sometimes charge white plain candles and charge them with the coloured energy suitable for my spell.

So there's your outline of your spell,

Blessed be.

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