Many Religions are being targeted. They are called cults, check out christians against wicca and other discriminations (on my blog), Many religions followers are being called satanists. There are many people claiming if your jewish, hindu, buddhist, wiccan,pagan, and many more your going to hell, but some of these religions don't believe in hell. People attack what they don't understand, and often people don't ever do research on other religions so there are many suspicions. These are many of the misunderstandings still around today created by narrow-minded people who don't know what there talking about! Imagine if you were a life long christian, how would you like it if you were called a satanist, were called a cult, discriminated against, people don't like it and neither do you or anyone else, be respectful of others religions, and learn more before you talk trash, because you could find yourself eating your own words and feeling bad!