Coven Information!

Coven Title: Magick Stuff
Priestess: AJL Daughter Freedriss (also known as: ?????????????????????)
Priest: N/A (we don't have one, looking to become one?, then check out the post, why you should join this site)

Members: 1 (including Priestess) 0 (not including the priestess)

We are a second family that cares about everyone of you, we are a free coven, open to comments, different points of views, spells, articles, videos, rituals, and more! We have a few rules that you should follow, some are strictly enforced, and others are not as strictly enforced!:
1) No cussing (If young ones join, we don't want them seeing such vulgur language)
2) no being rude or offensive (once again about the younglings, and people like to be respected, here at this coven we highly prize respect!, people don't like being highly offended, and ofcourse people find this stuff worthy of trying to be removed from the web, remove the hassle and don't be rude or offensive, no one likes it!)
3) Be respectful of others! and respectful of others views! (like i said, we prize respect!)
4) No spamming (Its a waste of site space)
5) No dating (we don't waste time on getting you hooked up with your lover, this isn't a dating service, your requests for a boyfriend or girlfriend is just like spamming or trolling!)
6) No roleplaying, this isn't a pretend game of magick like you think!, this is for real magick only!
7) Stay on topic, this is about magick and we intend to keep it this way!, we will put a post if you want to go off topic, or share your other views, and opposing views as well!
8) I understand that a priest/priestess or council members decision is final, if you
argue with a warning, or another members ban, you will be banned and removed from this site/coven!
9) No excessive caps such as: HEY WHAT'S UP GUYS? HOW ARE YOU DOING? YEA ME TOO, YEA THAT PARTY WAS FUN LAST NIGHT! (This will result in a ban, repetive rule breaking can result in a permament ban)
10) You must speak english, or you will be banned, this is so everyone can understand eachother, this site is coming soon in other languages, for non-english speakers!
11) Harrassing or threatning another coven member, or site guest WILL RESULT in a PERMANENT BAN, the caps put emphasis on the consequence!
12) No discrimanating! (this rule should be an obvious one!)

These rules are currently all, strictly enforced, and anyone caught breaking these rules gets 3 warnings, after that you are banned, and if very apologetic can get your account unbanned!, after getting your account back, if you continue rule breaking you will get a permament ban!

Rules for council members:
1) giving more than 3 warnings to a rule breaker on there first or second offense will result in an instant ban that will last somewhere between a week or a month!, you will be stripped of your position and demoted to a normal member, you will have another month to reprove yourself!
2) do not go easy on your friends that you got to join, and harsh to people you don't like! you are supposed to treat everyone equally the same, and make normal decisions no matter who they are when it comes to rule breaking, this counts as discrimination and can RESULT in an INSTANT PERMANENT BAN!
3) follow all rules, just because your apart of the coven's council doesn't make you exempted from the rules! rule breaking results in the same amount of warnings from the priest/priestess before you are banned the first time, revival of your account will have you demoted to a normal member!
4) (this rule goes for everyone!) Anyone who can prove that at the exact moment they break the rule, that there wearing a pretty Fedora (not an ugly one), we will let it slide, if the next breaking of a rule occurs when your not wearing a Fedora, you will recieve a warning! (I know, you might not know what it is or what is so special about a Fedora but you have to experience a Fedora to know of it's great power to know what is so unique about it!) Getting away with pretending to have worn a Fedora will result in a PERMAMENT BAN!
How to become a council member or our new priest: we will even make you a council member of our coven if you go one week without being rude and offensive!, And it would be free, you will then be added as a partial site editor!, I am the coven's priestess and were looking for a priest who will devote a month of proving there worth to be a full site contributor free of charge! (how to become a council member or our new priest, was a small excerpt from our post: why you should join!)